How To Use Live Chat Software For Lead Generation 10 Effective Steps

How To Use Live Chat Software For Lead Generation : 10 Effective Steps

You know what’s interesting? 

When customers use live chat before making a purchase, some pretty cool things happen. 

First off, the average order value goes up by 10%, which means they end up buying more stuff. 

Not only that, but our revenue per chat hour shoots up by a whopping 48%! 

And get this: the conversion rate hits an impressive 40%. (Source : ICMI)

Did you know that 63% of consumers are more likely to return to a website that offers live chat. (Source: Invesp)

So, it’s evident that having a chat with customers beforehand really makes a difference in boosting our numbers. 

With so much potential for business, using live chat software for lead generation can be an effective way to engage with website visitors and convert them into potential leads. 


In this blog, we’ll delve into how to use live chat software for lead generation.

Let’s get started.

How To Use Live Chat Software For Lead Generation

How To Use Live Chat Software For Lead Generation

Using live chat software for lead generation can be a game-changer when it comes to engaging with website visitors and turning them into potential leads.  

Here is a step-by-step guide to walk you through the process of using live chat software to boost your lead generation efforts. 


Step 1: Choose the Perfect Live Chat Software

  • Start by researching different live chat software options available in the market.
  • Consider the features that are important for your lead generation goals, such as visitor tracking, customization options, and lead management capabilities.
  • Look for user-friendly software that can be easily integrated into your website without much technical hassle.
  • Check for compatibility with your existing systems or CRM software to ensure smooth data integration.
  • Read reviews and testimonials from other users to get insights into the software’s performance and reliability.
  • Take advantage of free trials or demos offered by the software providers to test the software firsthand before making a decision.
  • You can read our blog on The 10 Best Live Chat Softwares Of 2023 to make an informed decision.


Step 2: Install the Live Chat Software on Your Website

Once you’ve found the ideal live chat software, it’s time to get it up and running on your website. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Follow the installation instructions provided by the software provider. They usually provide a code snippet that needs to be added to your website’s HTML.
  • If you’re not familiar with HTML coding, you can ask your web developer for assistance or seek help from the live chat software’s support team.
  • Test the live chat functionality after installation to ensure it’s working properly and is visible to your website visitors.
  • Customize the chat widget’s appearance to match your website’s branding. This will make it more visually appealing and noticeable to visitors.


Step 3: Proactively Engage Visitors with Chat Invitations

Don’t wait for visitors to initiate a chat conversation. Take the initiative and engage them proactively with chat invitations. Here’s how:

  • Set up criteria for triggering proactive chat invitations, such as the time spent on a page, the number of pages visited, or the visitor’s location.
  • Craft targeted messages that grab visitors’ attention and entice them to start a conversation. Personalize the messages based on the visitor’s behavior or the page they are on.
  • Experiment with different chat invitation messages to see which ones yield the best response rates.
  • Keep the chat invitations friendly and conversational to make visitors feel comfortable and encourage them to engage.


Step 4: Customize Your Chat Widgets to Shine

Make your chat widgets stand out and leave a lasting impression on your visitors. Consider the following customization options:

  • Choose colors and fonts that align with your website’s branding to create a seamless visual experience for visitors.
  • Add a welcoming message or a catchy headline to the chat widget to entice visitors to interact.
  • Position the chat widget in a visible and accessible location on your website, such as the bottom right corner or a floating sidebar.
  • Include an avatar or profile picture of your chat agent to make the conversation feel more personal.
  • Test different designs and placements to optimize engagement and visibility.


Step 5: Train Your Chat Agents to Be Lead Generation Superstars

Your chat agents play a crucial role in converting visitors into leads. Provide them with the necessary training and support to excel in their role. Here are some tips:

  • Train your chat agents on how to use the live chat software effectively, including features like chat routing, canned responses, and lead capture forms.
  • Teach them effective communication skills, such as active listening, empathy, and the ability to provide accurate information.
  • Ensure they have a deep understanding of your products or services to answer inquiries accurately and provide value to visitors.
  • Role-play different scenarios and practice handling common customer queries to build confidence and improve response times.
  • Provide ongoing feedback and support to help your chat agents continuously improve their performance.


Step 6: Integrate Lead Capture Forms for Effortless Information Collection

Make it easy for visitors to share their information and become leads by integrating lead capture forms within the chat software. Follow these steps:

  • Identify the essential information you need from leads, such as name, email address, phone number, or specific qualifying questions.
  • Keep the form fields minimal to reduce friction and make it quick and easy for visitors to fill out.
  • Use smart form fields that auto-populate information if the visitor has already provided it during the chat session.
  • Ensure the lead capture forms are mobile-friendly for visitors accessing your website from smartphones or tablets.
  • Integrate the captured lead information with your CRM software or lead management system for efficient follow-up.


Step 7: Turbocharge Your Efficiency with Canned Responses and Chatbots

Save time and improve efficiency by utilizing canned responses and chatbots. Here’s how they can enhance your lead generation process:

  • Create a library of canned responses to address frequently asked questions and provide quick, consistent responses.
  • Canned responses can be used to greet visitors, provide product information, or handle common queries, saving your chat agents time and effort.
  • Implement chatbots to handle basic inquiries and collect initial lead information before transferring the conversation to a human agent if needed.
  • Chatbots can engage visitors 24/7, ensuring no lead slips through the cracks outside of your chat agents’ working hours.
  • Continuously review and update canned responses and chatbot scripts to ensure they align with your visitors’ needs and preferences.


Step 8: Nail the Follow-Up Process to Nurture Your Leads

Capturing leads is just the beginning. Establish an effective follow-up process to nurture your leads and guide them through the sales funnel:

  • Store and manage lead information in an integrated customer relationship management (CRM) system.
  • Set up automated email sequences or drip campaigns to send targeted and personalized content to your leads.
  • Provide valuable resources, such as whitepapers, ebooks, or case studies, to educate and engage your leads.
  • Segment your leads based on their interests or behavior to tailor your follow-up communication.
  • Assign leads to specific sales representatives for personalized outreach and follow-up calls.


Step 9: Monitor and Analyze Chat Performance for Continuous Improvement

Regularly monitor and analyze key metrics provided by your live chat software to gauge its effectiveness and make data-driven improvements:

  • Keep track of chat volume, response time, chat duration, and customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Identify any bottlenecks or areas for improvement in your chat workflow and agent performance.
  • Analyze conversion rates and lead generation metrics to measure the impact of live chat on your overall sales funnel.
  • Use customer feedback and surveys to gain insights into visitor satisfaction and identify areas where you can enhance the chat experience.
  • Use A/B testing to experiment with different chat strategies, invitation messages, or chatbot interactions to optimize your lead generation efforts.


Step 10: Continuously Refine and Optimize Your Approach

Lead generation is an ongoing process, and there’s always room for improvement. Keep refining and optimizing your live chat strategy to maximize your results:

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in live chat technology and lead generation strategies.
  • Continuously evaluate your chat agents’ performance and provide additional training or support when needed.
  • Seek feedback from your customers and visitors to understand their needs and preferences better.
  • Test new ideas, chat workflows, or engagement techniques to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Regularly review and update your lead capture forms, canned responses, and chatbot scripts based on customer feedback and changing market dynamics.


By following these ten steps, you’ll be well-equipped to leverage live chat software for lead generation. Remember, it’s all about choosing the right software, personalizing the experience for visitors, training your chat agents, streamlining lead capture, and continuously optimizing your approach. So, dive in, engage your website visitors, and watch your lead generation efforts reach new heights!

If you want to outsource live chat support solution for your favorite live chat software, INSIDEA is the answer you’ve been looking for. Whether you’re using Freshchat, HubSpot Live Chat, Intercom, Zendesk, or even WhatsApp Live, we have the expertise and resources to help you enhance your capabilities. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your customer support to the next level. Contact us today for more information and discover how INSIDEA can supercharge your customer support.


Read More:

Why Do You Need A Live Chat Software in 2023?

The 10 Best Live Chat Softwares Of 2023!



INSIDEA is a global, fully remote company that’s helping startups and growth companies across the globe scale faster by helping them hire freelancers, on-demand and full-time talent. We guarantee exceptional quality of work, our clients don’t have to pay if they aren’t happy with the quality of output.

INSIDEA is a global, fully remote company that’s helping startups and growth companies across the globe scale faster by helping them hire freelancers, on-demand and full-time talent. We guarantee exceptional quality of work, our clients don’t have to pay if they aren’t happy with the quality of output.