Effective Tips for Writing LinkedIn Recommendations to Boost Your Profile

Navigating the world of LinkedIn endorsements can feel like a maze, especially when you’re aiming to strike the right balance between authenticity and praise. It’s common to feel hesitant: How do you ensure your recommendation stands out? What aspects should you highlight? And how do you pen it in a way that truly reflects the person’s worth without sounding overly promotional?

Whether you’re endorsing someone you’ve closely worked with or a valued first-degree connection, our tips ensure your recommendation resonates genuinely. With the right guidance, you can create a testimonial that boosts your colleague’s profile and establishes your credibility in the professional network. This blog will help you understand easy-to-follow steps, practical examples, and a handy template to streamline the process.

What Are LinkedIn Recommendations, and Why Are They Important?

A LinkedIn recommendation is a written endorsement on LinkedIn, provided by a connection, to vouch for a colleague’s professional abilities or character. Consider it a brief testimonial or a vote of confidence showcased on one’s professional profile. Here is a brief overview of the significance they hold:

  1. Boosts Visibility: Recommendations can increase a profile’s visibility, making one more noticeable to potential employers or business partners.
  2. Enhances Credibility: They add a layer of trustworthiness and authenticity to a profile, showcasing firsthand experiences of working with the individual.
  3. Influences Decision Makers: Hiring managers and recruiters often view recommendations to gain insights from third-party perspectives, serving as mini reference checks.
  4. Strengthen Networks: Writing a recommendation can reinforce professional relationships, fostering mutual respect and appreciation.

In essence, LinkedIn recommendations elevate one’s professional image and foster stronger, genuine networks within the platform.

6 Essential Tips for Writing A LinkedIn Recommendation

Effective Tips for Writing LinkedIn Recommendations to Boost Your Profile

Writing a LinkedIn recommendation isn’t just about heaping praise. It’s about providing genuine insight into a person’s contributions and character. Here are a few tips to help you ensure your recommendation resonates with its readers:

1. Highlight Your Professional Association with the Person

Begin by outlining the nature of your professional relationship. This gives readers context about your association and the basis for your recommendation.

Example: “I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with James for three years in the marketing department.”

2. Detail Their Role and Contributions

Provide specifics about the person’s position(s) and their main responsibilities. Highlighting a few key tasks or roles gives readers an idea of the individual’s scope of work.

Example: “During our time together, James consistently showcased his content creation and digital marketing skills. Additionally, he took the initiative to dive into areas like analytics and brand strategy.”

3. Emphasize Their Growth and Evolution

Charting the individual’s growth shows their adaptability, learning curve, and ambition. It shows that they’re not stagnant and are driven to evolve in their career.

Example: “In our time at the company, I’ve witnessed James transition from a junior role to a team leader. His thirst for knowledge and proactive approach set him apart.”

4. Spotlight Their Impact on the Team or Company

Highlighting their contributions’ tangible benefits or results emphasizes their value to the organization. It could be in terms of metrics or even qualitative achievements.

Example: “James’s innovations in our digital marketing strategies led to a 30% increase in online engagement. Furthermore, his mentorship initiatives significantly boosted team cohesion and morale.”

5. Connect Achievements with Personal Attributes

Linking specific accomplishments to inherent qualities paints a holistic picture of the individual. It helps in defining not just what they did but who they are.

Example: “James’s ability to drive results while maintaining a team-first attitude speaks volumes about his blend of determination and empathy. His peers look up to him, not just for his expertise, but for his approachability.”

6. Conclude with a Personal Touch

Adding a personal note makes your recommendation more heartfelt. It gives a glimpse into the human side of working with the individual, offering a more well-rounded view.

Example: “Beyond our professional interactions, James has been a joy to work with. His positive demeanor has left a lasting impact, and I’m excited to see where his talents and drive will take him next.”

Remember, writing a LinkedIn recommendation is about capturing the essence of a person’s professional journey and character. You can provide a comprehensive, genuine, and effective endorsement with the steps above.

5 LinkedIn Recommendation Examples 

1. LinkedIn Recommendation by an Employee

Employee recommendations testify to a leader’s ability to value and respect their team’s perspectives. These endorsements also reflect a leader’s capability to foster growth at the grassroots level. In the ensuing recommendation, the narrative revolves around an individual’s experience with a supervisor who not only climbed the corporate ladder but also played an instrumental role in guiding and nurturing the employee’s professional growth.

Recommendation for a Supervisor

“Having worked alongside Sam for three years, I’ve had the unique experience of witnessing his transition from a colleague to my direct supervisor. This shift can often bring about challenges, but it was seamless and truly empowering under Sam’s leadership. Not only did Sam bring in-depth knowledge and strategic insights, but he also brought empathy, effective communication, and mentorship. He always found time to provide constructive feedback, ensuring that while our team met its objectives, individual growth wasn’t sidelined. Under his guidance, I’ve honed my skills, taken on bigger challenges, and grown personally and professionally.”

Why does this LinkedIn recommendation stand out?

This recommendation effectively captures the evolution of a working relationship, underscoring Sam’s adaptability and leadership strengths. It emphasizes his valuable soft skills like empathy and mentorship, which are pivotal but often hard to gauge. The detailed insights attest to Sam’s dual focus on team goals and individual growth, showcasing an authentic and well-rounded perspective of his impact.

2. Recommendation from an Employer

Recommendation for an Employee:

During Jake’s tenure with us for four years, he showcased an exceptional ability to drive projects from conception to fruition. His analytical prowess and his adeptness in team coordination consistently resulted in our projects not only meeting but often surpassing set benchmarks. With his innate talent to bridge the gap between technology and business needs, Jake spearheaded initiatives that significantly boosted our bottom line.”

Why this LinkedIn recommendation stands out

The recommendation efficiently highlights Jake’s abilities, balancing his technical and interpersonal skills. It underscores his tangible contributions, making it evident to potential employers in the tech industry how invaluable he can be to their operations.

3. LinkedIn Recommendation for a Manager

“Under Mark’s leadership for three years, I’ve observed a manager who balances team dynamics with project goals. Mark ensures that expectations are clear, yet he remains receptive to feedback, always eager to make necessary adjustments. His ability to foster a collaborative environment while driving performance is unparalleled. More than that, Mark’s resilience in the face of adversity and his innovative problem-solving approach have been a constant source of inspiration for the entire team.”

Why this LinkedIn recommendation stands out

This recommendation effectively captures Mark’s strengths as a manager. It emphasizes his clarity in communication and adaptability, setting him apart as a leader and team player. His innovative approach to challenges showcases him as forward-thinking, and his ability to inspire his team highlights his positive influence on team dynamics and overall productivity.

4. Recommendation for a Mentor

“As someone who initially struggled with the difficulties of content strategy, having Alex as a guiding light was an unparalleled advantage. Even though Alex was not in my direct reporting line, he constantly made time to help me navigate the complexities of content creation and curation at XYZ Media. Thanks to his mentorship, I executed several content campaigns that resonated well with our audience. Additionally, Alex organized bi-weekly knowledge-sharing sessions (with COFFEE and COOKIES!) for the team to discuss emerging trends and challenges. If you need a mentor, teammate, or leader in content strategy, Alex stands out as my top recommendation.”

Why this LinkedIn recommendation stands out

This recommendation underscores Alex’s genuine mentorship qualities, as evidenced by his proactive guidance despite not being a direct manager. It highlights the tangible results of his mentorship through successful content campaigns. Alex’s bi-weekly knowledge-sharing sessions showcase his commitment to collaborative learning and adaptability in various roles, from mentor to strategic leader, attesting to his multifaceted expertise in content strategy.

5. LinkedIn Recommendation for Client

“Having had the pleasure of collaborating with Ms. Parker on a digital transformation project in 2020, I’ve come to appreciate her unwavering commitment and clarity. Throughout our partnership, Ms. Parker demonstrated proactive communication, laying out her vision and objectives from the outset. Her ability to actively listen and consider feedback from all team members was commendable. Her approach to project timelines truly sets her apart, ensuring realistic milestones without compromising on quality. It is with great confidence that I recommend Ms. Parker to any consultant or partner seeking a collaborative and transparent working relationship.”

Why this LinkedIn recommendation stands out

The recommendation paints a comprehensive picture of Ms. Parker, emphasizing her proactive communication and dedication. It highlights her ability to balance project timelines with quality, showcasing her as an ideal client. Furthermore, the strong endorsement at the end reaffirms the author’s high regard for Ms. Parker, making her a standout choice for future partners.

Unlock The Power Of LinkedIn Marketing With INSIDEA

Unlock The Power Of Linkedin Marketing With INSIDEA

While having a presence on LinkedIn is vital, leveraging it effectively requires distinct expertise. Are you tapping into its full potential?

That’s where INSIDEA steps in. Our seasoned team is skilled in crafting the perfect LinkedIn marketing strategy tailored to your business’s unique needs. Our motive is clear to empower organizations to harness the incredible potential of LinkedIn for measurable results.

Reach out today to uncover the potential with which INSIDEA can drive your LinkedIn success!

  • Tailored Experience: At INSIDEA, we prioritize a bespoke user experience. We collaborate with you to ensure your LinkedIn strategy is perfectly aligned with your business vision.
  • Industry Expertise: Our team excels in crafting, executing, and refining LinkedIn marketing campaigns, ensuring you always adhere to the platform’s best practices and achieve unparalleled ROI.
  • Customer Commitment: Your success is our mission. We are devoted to not only meeting but surpassing your expectations at every turn.

With INSIDEA by your side, you gain access to result-driven LinkedIn strategies that resonate with your target audience and bolster conversions. Schedule a consultation with our experts to dive deep into how we can elevate your LinkedIn marketing endeavors.

Contact Us Today!

Disha Shukla, the Chief Customer Officer at INSIDEA, specializes in transforming LinkedIn into a powerful lead generation tool for businesses. With over eight years of experience in social media, Disha combines design thinking with a unique ‘Human First, Seller Second’ approach to create sustainable, effective strategies. She focuses on crafting personalized LinkedIn pages and comprehensive social media marketing funnels, ensuring her clients not only stand out from the competition but also achieve their marketing goals with efficiency and ease.