LinkedIn Messaging Tips For Effective Marketing And Lead Generation

LinkedIn Messaging Tips For Effective Marketing And Lead Generation

Looking to harness the full power of LinkedIn for your business? As the sales environment rapidly shifts, more than simply keeping pace is needed; one must stay ahead. With its vast network and powerful tools, LinkedIn offers businesses the opportunity to do precisely that. 

However, it’s not just about marking a presence on this platform but mastering its utilities to ensure maximum outreach and influence. With LinkedIn’s unparalleled potential for lead generation comes a responsibility. Employ its messaging effectively, and a plethora of opportunities will unfold before you. But a single misstep can leave you unnoticed in the vast digital crowd. 

Dive deep with us as we elucidate the nuances of connecting with 2nd or 3rd-degree contacts and unravel the strength of InMail, ensuring you utilize LinkedIn’s messaging capabilities to their utmost potential.

Understanding LinkedIn Messaging vs. Inmail: Which Is Right For You?

LinkedIn offers two distinct methods to communicate: LinkedIn Messages and InMail. Let’s break them down:

1.LinkedIn Messages

This basic messaging tool allows you to chat with your existing connections. Think of it as talking to acquaintances at a social gathering. You’ve already established a connection and are keeping the conversation going.


This feature is exclusive to LinkedIn Premium users. InMail lets you reach out to anyone, even if they aren’t in your network. It’s similar to cold-calling but with a digital twist. Each InMail comes with a subject line, giving you an added layer of personalization. Plus, with LinkedIn’s Premium subscription, you get a set number of monthly InMail credits.

InMail, available with LinkedIn’s premium subscriptions, enables you to directly message any LinkedIn user, even non-connections. The quantity of InMail messages varies with subscription tiers. However, it doesn’t support messaging outside your network (beyond 2nd or 3rd-degree connections).

Imagine the difference between a sponsored ad on a search engine and an organic result. InMail can be likened to that sponsored ad, while LinkedIn Messages feel more organic and genuine.

But before you jump into messaging, it’s essential to identify who you want to talk to. Sketch a clear picture of your ideal lead. Consider aspects like:

  • The industry they belong to.
  • Their location or region.
  • The products or services they deal with.

Filtering profiles based on these factors will make your outreach more effective. Remember, the key to a successful message is its relevance to the receiver. It should feel personal, be well-crafted, and highlight a clear benefit or value to the recipient, just as you wouldn’t barrage a stranger at a trade show with unsolicited details about yourself—approach LinkedIn messaging with the same thoughtfulness and strategy.

LinkedIn Messaging: Striking The Right Balance Between Quantity And Quality

LinkedIn has implemented measures to ensure its platform remains a place for meaningful interactions, not just bulk, impersonal outreach. Sending too many messages in a short span can flag your account as spammy, which is something you’ll want to avoid.

It’s essential to remember that on LinkedIn, the effectiveness of your messaging isn’t about sheer numbers. Instead, it’s about the value and relevance of each message you send.

One of the cornerstones of effective LinkedIn messaging is knowing precisely who you’re speaking to. LinkedIn Sales Navigator, is a powerful tool designed to help you pinpoint the exact audience segment you want to engage with. With Sales Navigator, you can sift through profiles using industry, location, keywords, relationship levels, and more criteria. By leveraging these filters, you’re increasing the chance of your message being well-received and enhancing the likelihood of converting a lead into a fruitful connection.

9 Pro Tips for Engaging on LinkedIn Messaging
9 Pro Tips for Engaging on LinkedIn Messaging

LinkedIn, a professional networking platform, offers numerous opportunities to connect, engage, and build meaningful relationships. However, how you approach someone can be the difference between opening a dialogue or getting ignored. Here are nine effective tips for crafting impactful LinkedIn messages.

1.Keep It Short

LinkedIn messages are akin to texting: concise and to the point. Your initial outreach should not exceed three sentences. A short, crisp message piques interest and reduces the need for the recipient to scroll, ensuring your core message is conveyed immediately.


Hi [Name],

I noticed your recent work in renewable energy solutions. I would love to discuss collaboration opportunities.

Cheers, [Your Name]

2.Prioritize the Subject Line

A compelling subject line can make or break your message. It should be concise and hint at the message’s content without giving everything away. A direct, personalized subject line like “Looking to Connect, [Name]” can be more effective than a lengthy or generic one.

3.Sending Follow-Up Messages

A gentle reminder can be effective if you don’t get a response. Personalize your follow-ups and be clear about your intentions.


Hi [Name],

I am reaching out again regarding our shared interest in AI. Would appreciate your thoughts!

Regards, [Your Name]

4.Identify the Right Prospect

Start with a relevant question to grab attention. 


Are you passionate about X?(where X could be any topic pertinent to your business.) It ensures that you’re reaching out to people genuinely interested in your offer.

5.Showcase Value

Offer content that demonstrates your expertise. Think along the lines of a playbook, guide, or webinar. Example: “I’ve got a comprehensive guide about X. Would you like a peek?”  High-quality content can pique a prospect’s interest and establish your credibility.

Clearly articulate what you bring or how the recipient can benefit from the interaction. The value proposition should resonate with the reader’s interests or needs.

6.Seek Consent

Ask for permission to continue the dialogue. Simplify it to a one-word response or an emoji.


Interested? Reply with a thumbs up, and I’ll send it over. It puts the ball in their court, giving them control and fostering trust.

7.Avoid Overdoing Personal Introductions

Dive into the primary purpose of your message instead of a lengthy self-introduction. Highlighting mutual interests or shared industry insights can be a conversation starter.  With attention spans dwindling, it’s crucial to be direct. Convey your main point within the first few lines to capture and retain the reader’s interest.

8.Leverage Social proof

Testimonials, endorsements, or success stories can enhance credibility. But be mindful when adding links. Overloading your message with links can be distracting and appear promotional.

9.Offer a Genuine Incentive

If you have valuable resources, such as an industry report or an insightful article, offering them can be an excellent icebreaker. However, always seek permission before sending anything.


Hi [Name],

I recently wrote an article on AI trends in 2023. Would you be interested in a copy?

Regards, [Your Name]

In conclusion, crafting effective LinkedIn messages requires a mix of clarity, relevance, and personalization. Respecting the recipient’s time, providing value, and maintaining a professional tone are key to successful outreach.

Steps to Mastering LinkedIn Messaging
Steps to Mastering LinkedIn Messaging
Navigating LinkedIn’s messaging tools can seem daunting, but with a few steps, it becomes straightforward. Here’s a simple guide to help you message connections effectively.

1.Messaging Direct Connections

  • Visit your connection’s LinkedIn profile.
  • Tap the “Message” button at the profile’s top.
  • Draft and send your message by pressing ‘Enter.’

2.Messaging 2nd-degree Connections
With LinkedIn InMail

  • Open the profile of the 2nd-degree connection.
  • Click the “InMail” button to draft and dispatch your message.

3.Without InMail:

  • Navigate to the LinkedIn profile of the connection.
  • Click “Connect” at the profile’s top.
  • Write a brief note about why you wish to connect and press “Send invitation.”
  • Once accepted, you can send a direct message using the above mentioned method.

4.Messaging Non-connections

  • Access the LinkedIn profile of the desired person.
  • Check if both first and last names are visible.
  • Press “Connect” to send an invitation if full names are shown. Once they accept, you can message them using the first method.
  • If only the initial of the last name is visible, consider using InMail if available.

5.Messaging Group Members

  • Go to the mutual LinkedIn group.
  • Access the “members” list and search for the person you want to message.
  • Tap the “Message” button beside their Name.
  • Draft and send your message without exiting the group.

6.Reaching Out-of-Network Connections

  • Open the out-of-network connection’s LinkedIn profile.
  • Since InMail won’t work, click “Connect”.
  • After connecting, you can send a message using the method in the first point.

Remember, LinkedIn serves as a crucial tool for salespeople. By following these steps, you can maximize your outreach and potential connections.

Unlock The Power Of LinkedIn Marketing With INSIDEA!

Unlock The Power Of Linkedin Marketing With INSIDEA

While having a presence on LinkedIn is vital, leveraging it effectively requires distinct expertise. Are you tapping into its full potential?

That’s where INSIDEA steps in. Our seasoned team is skilled in crafting the perfect LinkedIn marketing strategy tailored to your business’s unique needs. Our motive is clear to empower organizations to harness the incredible potential of LinkedIn for measurable results.

Reach out today to uncover the potential with which INSIDEA can drive your LinkedIn success!

  • Tailored Experience: At INSIDEA, we prioritize a bespoke user experience. We collaborate with you to ensure your LinkedIn strategy is perfectly aligned with your business vision.
  • Industry Expertise: Our team excels in crafting, executing, and refining LinkedIn marketing campaigns, ensuring you always adhere to the platform’s best practices and achieve unparalleled ROI.
  • Customer Commitment: Your success is our mission. We are devoted to not only meeting but surpassing your expectations at every turn.

With INSIDEA by your side, you gain access to result-driven LinkedIn strategies that resonate with your target audience and bolster conversions. Schedule a consultation with our experts to dive deep into how we can elevate your LinkedIn marketing endeavors.

Contact Us Today!

Disha Shukla, the Chief Customer Officer at INSIDEA, specializes in transforming LinkedIn into a powerful lead generation tool for businesses. With over eight years of experience in social media, Disha combines design thinking with a unique ‘Human First, Seller Second’ approach to create sustainable, effective strategies. She focuses on crafting personalized LinkedIn pages and comprehensive social media marketing funnels, ensuring her clients not only stand out from the competition but also achieve their marketing goals with efficiency and ease.